Our latest install of our Net2 access control system at a local a community centre.

Net2 is an advanced PC based access control solution, this software offers centralised administration and control of sites with up to 1,000 doors and 50,000 users. Perfect for tailoring access privileges to groups or individuals quickly and easily using our intuitive, user-friendly software.

Authorised Paxton dealer (genuine Paxton systems)

Hidden control unit

External door reader with integrated fob access and keypad entry, light up facial for night time use.

External door reader with integrated fob access and keypad entry, light up facial for night time use. This keypad has been programmed to have an internal bell box so when the bell button is depressed people inside can be alerted.

Our client asked for a push to exit with light display and internal light up fob reader for key personal. We also have a light up emergency release button for emergency use.

Internal (deadlock) mag lock

Mag Lock from other side.

Door 2 main entrance system with emergency over ride key (kill switch system), used for events when a congregation of large sums of people turn up to there venue and they don’t want to give access codes to anyone and everyone keeping the security and integrity of the building in tact.

Night time view with all lighting

Main entrance Mag lock (deadlock) system

The desktop reader is designed to sit next to the PC. It is used for adding tokens and programming to a Net2 system. It can also be used for identifying lost tokens. There are proximity, magstripe, USB and keyboard output versions available. The proximity version also reads MIFARE® tokens.

If a new token is presented to the desktop reader then the new user wizard will appear with the appropriate card number. The name and details of the new user can be entered and the token issued. The keyboard output functionality will generate a copy of the token number that will be automatically pasted wherever you place your cursor.

If a token which is already known to the system is presented to the desktop reader, then the relevant user’s record will appear.

Net2 Control Software